Why Us ?
Dr Kapoor is a vivacious dental surgeon providing high-quality dental treatment with care and understanding for the past 20+ years. A dental surgeon with both national and international exposure on the best practises and technique. He is enriched with extensive knowledge of the academic and clinical dental practice.
Having treated more than 1.5 lakhs patients as of now, he widely promotes education and research associated activities and provide a forum for sharing and upgrading clinical know-how worldwide, to the benefit of the global dental fraternity.
He has been widely awarded and recognized the world over for his contribution to the field. He has been recently the recipient of National "IOS" Awardee Bharat Jyoti Award, Best Citizen Award 2019
Dr Kapoor loves to travel, play games and watch cricket. A man you can trust your health with.
Dr. Amit Kapoor
BDS,MDS Ortho, Ex AIIMS Dental, Surgeon Recipient of National "IOS" Awardee, Bharat Jyoti Award, Best Citizen Award 2019 Orthodontist , Implantologist ,Dentofacial Orthopaedic Laser Oral Surgeon